To My Sweet Ellisyn Mae,
283 days ago, I first found out about your existence.
243 days ago, I saw your heart flicker and your arms and legs move on the ultrasound machine.
200 days ago we found out you were a baby girl
38 days ago you took your first breath and were laid on my chest.
Since that very first day, I prayed and thanked him for you and every day since I have done the same.
I am more than blessed to be your mom
Tomorrow I will celebrate my very first Mothers Day and from this year on I will always get to because of you.
You have changed my life since I first found out about you.
On that Wednesday as soon as I saw that blue plus sign pop up, I loved you.
When I saw your heart flicker and you dance on the screen, I loved you.
From when I heard your heartbeat, when I felt that first kick,
when your dad and I decided on your name,
and from the night you were born I have never stopped loving you and I never will.
Everyone has told me a mothers love is unlike any other, and they are absolutely right.
Every time I look at you I am reminded just how much I love you and just how truly blessed I am that you are my daughter. There will never be a moment in your life where I won't try my best to give you the world and although you deserve more than I could ever give you that doesn't mean I sure as hell won't try.
You have changed my life.
Every time you flash me that gummy grin, when you lay your head on my chest, when you reach up and touch my face, when I rock you to sleep, when you nurse and when I think that I couldn't possibly love you anymore you prove me wrong.
God gave me you because he knew that I needed you and I always will.
No matter what, I will always protect you and keep you as safe as I possibly can.
Nothing will ever change the fact that you are my daughter and I am your mom.
Never forget that you are beautiful and that you have always been wanted and always will be.
I love you Ellisyn Mae Sons.
Thank you for changing my life and making me a Mom. It will forever be the hardest thing I have done with the best reward: You.
All my love,
Your Mom.