Our Families!

"The Love of a family is life's greatest blessing"

My family is rather large considering my dad is one of nine children, my mom is one of five and I am one of four!  My dad's side of the family has grown at least one person if not two every year since I was born.  In 2012 alone we have added 3 and in 2013 we will be adding 3 if not more! I love growing up in a big family and can't wait to see how big it gets as the years come and go!  In my immediate family I have two sisters and one brother, my sister is married and has a daughter so I also have a niece and a brother in law. 
This was our family picture from last year! 
From bottom to top: Jody (Mom), Travis (Brother), Courtney (Sister), Spencer (BIL), Craig (Dad), Me, Irelann (Niece), and Mackenzie (Sister)

This year my husband Michael will be in the picture and next year will be baby E!
My husband has a rather small family compared to me but he seems to like it that way!
 This picture was taken in October of this year, so therefore is very recent! This was after my sweet hubby's BCT graduation!
From left to right: Randall(Michael's dad), Luke (Michael's brother), Michael, Myself, and Jennifer (Michael's mom). 
This was Easter of 2012, our first easter together!
Left to right: Me, Michael, Nana, and Pa!
This is also from Easter of this year, and this was the first time I got to meet Samantha, Michael's aunt!
Left to right: Me, Michael, and Aunt Sam!
Family is important to the both of us and each one of our family members means more to us than they could possibly know!  We couldn't thank you guys enough for all you have done for us and we know you would do anything for us that we needed.

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