Wednesday, March 19, 2014

[10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse: My Journey To Loosing The Baby Weight & Gaining So Much More]

There is one major upside to breastfeeding and that was loosing the baby weight, so for me I figured it would just fall right off.  It took a trip to GAP when I was 6 weeks pp to realize it wasn't just falling off and that I would need to do something.  
So let's start from the beginning.....
My starting weight when I got pregnant was 139, I've never been a watch your weight kind of person and it definitely didn't matter when I got pregnant.  My parents owned a scale when I lived with them but when Michael and I moved in together it wasn't the first thing on our list to buy.  Let's just say during the 38 weeks of my pregnancy I ate and ate and ate everything I could and everything I wanted too.  I didn't care!  If it was in the house it would soon find it's way into my mouth.  I don't remember what I weighed when I was admitted into to labor and delivery and honestly I wasn't worried about it.  The nurse weighed me on the way to the second recovery room I stayed in and it was somewhere around 160 I believe.  I didn't care though because again I was going to eat what I wanted.  Bad mistake Kelsey!  I should have started eating healthy foods right from the start, but sugar is so darn addicting!  When we lived in Florida, Elli, Lulu and I would go on walks every morning, afternoon and when the mail ran just to get out of the apartment and get some sort of exercise.  When it got warmer we would go swim and there was a few times that I used the gym, but there was nothing that I found that was going to stick for me.  Honestly, I give up too easily.  So when we moved to Clarksville I wanted to do the color vibe 5k.  My friend Jen and I signed up even though we knew we would end up walking/jogging the whole race.  When we signed up for the race my mind switched and all the sudden I was worried about being healthy.  Not just for myself but for Elli and Michael as well.  Then Jen invited me to hot yoga and I fell in love!  103 degrees in a dimmed lit room was enough to make me start my journey to losing what I needed and wanted too.  We started going once a week and then we learned about the 10 day green smoothie cleanse in where people were losing up to 15 pounds in 10 days.  This seemed way to good to be true, but after seeing how many people are trying it and getting so many great reviews I decided to try it.  I could never do it alone and so my friend Jen and my mother in law set a start date and were ready to go.  We went shopping for ingredients and then put our bags together.  Set them in the fridge and the next day we were starting DAY ONE.

To learn more about this and to try it, PLEASE buy the book.  It has everything you need to know, all the recipes, how to keep the weight off and more.
Now here's my journey:
A week before I started the smoothie cleanse, I downloaded the app waterlogged and was trying to get to a gallon a day.  Now let's be honest...water isn't the best tasting beverage but it's great for you!  This cleanse is all about detoxing and getting rid of the crap in your body that is on every grocery shelf out there.  The fast food, the soda, the addicting stuff that we eat everyday because it's put in front of us.  It's easy, it's quick and day to day life is to busy to sit down and plan meals.  This cleanse has been life changing for me.  At the beginning I was eating when I want to and when I can that and  most of all it was junk, but once I started this journey that ended.  Today I have no cravings for junk food what so ever.  I crave water, salad,vegetables and fruits!  All good things that will help me with continuing my journey to a healthier me. 

Starting weight: 147
Starting inches : 38.5, 39, 36, Thighs: 22.5 and Arms: 12

I was so beyond excited to start! I woke up, drank my tea and then made my smoothies for the day.  I ate a few veggies and fruits here and there and then drank my smoothie for lunch and dinner.  Since I had already began detoxing my system of soda, I only had a slight headache.  I went to bed hungry but fought the urge to go to the pantry.

I woke up excited again and did the same routine as the day before.  I was tired and wanted normal food but I texted my MIL and friend and they helped me get through the urges.  I went to bed early and hungry but drank my water and it subsided.

I stepped on the scale and was shocked to see the progress I did.  I won't spill the beans but I couldn't believe it.  I was super excited as I normally am because it's not Monday and that tonight Pretty Little Liars was on and Jen and I were going to do hot yoga!  I did my routine of the tea, smoothie and in the end I slept so good!

At this point I no longer had any cravings for junk, just healthy stuff!  I downed my tea and prepared my smoothie for the day.  I had a dinner of boiled eggs, carrots, and tomatoes!  Who know veggies could be so delicious!  Today, I had to split my smoothies into two because I was so full from the one I had this morning.  I went to bed relaxed and full and the pajama pants that were once tight were now baggy!

The halfway point!  I am so glad I have a great support system to keep us going all the way to day ten and further!  I woke up feeling great, I stepped on the scale and again was shocked.  I don't remember when I was this weight.  I feel lighter, healthy, strong and energized.  I put on my favorite pair of pants and they fit!  I wasn't struggling to get them on.  The tea is probably my favorite part of the whole cleanse besides the way I feel.  The smoothie today was better than yesterday and Jen and I went to hot yoga again.

Today was really started to hit me that I was almost finished but still had a few more days to go.  I started the day with my tea, smoothie, and water all day plus a few snacks in between.  Looking forward to tomorrow!

My husband and I went to the grocery store today and as he loaded the cart with the junk that we normally get, I was able to get healthy stuff for after my full cleanse stops and the modified cleanse begins.  Lots of fruits and vegetables as well as hummus and other healthy foods.  I plan on having one to two smoothies a day plus a healthy dinner.  The smoothie today was delicious and I was able to fit into a pair of shorts that I wore before I was pregnant!

Today was hard as well and when I started, I new that this process wouldn't be easy.  Everyday has been different, some good some bad but I've been able to make it through all of them thus far without cheating or having something I wasn't supposed too.  For a few days now it has been easy to get up and get right in the groove of making my tea and drinking a bottle of water before I put Elli down for a nap and then make my smoothie.  Almost to the end!

I woke up feeling refreshed and was happy with what the scale read and I still can't believe we've come this far!  I'm getting excited to take the after picture and measurements!  I downed my tea as usual and then my water and blended my smoothie.  Love this smoothie with the strawberries it was super yummy!  Looking forward to tomorrow for a couple of reasons.  On to day ten!

I DID IT!  I made it to day ten!  No cheating or anything that wasn't in the book.  The full cleanse for the full ten days!  Today I had a doctors appointment and asked the nurse what I weighed when I was last in the office which was in January.  I was 151 then and today I was 138!  Let's just say they were impressed!  After my appointment I took it easy and relaxed and let it soak in that I finished the full ten days! Weigh In and results tomorrow!

Here are side by side pictures of my front, side and back!

Weight Loss:
I started this process at 147 and now I stand at 136!
That's 11 pounds in ten days!  
My starting inches were: Bust: 38.5, Hips: 39,Waist:36, Thighs: 22.5 and Arms: 12
Ending inches: Bust: 35.5, Hips: 38, Waist: 34 , Thighs: 21 and Arms: 11 1/2
That's EIGHT inches off!  
This process for me has turned out to be so much more than loosing the baby weight.  It has made me change the entire way I feel about eating.  No longer will I eat because I'm bored or just because it's there.  I will now make sure I grab fruits or veggies and always drink water.  No more soda, tea or sweetened juices and when I do drink, I will limit them.  Our family dinners will consist of healthier choices for everyone and I will drink at least one smoothie a day.
Thank you J.J Smith for a lifetime of knowledge and thank you to my support team for not giving up even when it was so easy to do!

Until next time!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

In Training Review;

Hello All and HAPPY NEW YEAR!  WOW!  I cannot believe that it is 2014!  It seems like every year that goes by just gets faster and faster.
2013 was a whirlwind experience for both Michael and I.  We moved to Florida in February, Lulu came into our family in March, our daughter was born in April, Michael graduated from EOD school in October, we welcomed Penny in November and in December we closed on our very first house.  It was a great year and I learned so much.
I learned how to be a better wife, a mom, a support person, a friend, and more importantly I learned how to be myself.  I discovered a piece of myself in 2013 that I always secretly knew I had deep down inside of me, but it took my precious daughter to bring it out.  I love looking back on years past and seeing what made that year truly special and I don't know if 2013 can be topped.
So 2014, I challenge you to challenge me.  I dare you to make me an even better wife, a better mom, a better cook, a better maid, more frugal, and more faithful.

Until next post,

Monday, December 16, 2013

Here and there and everywhere!

It hasn't been long since I've written my last post or so for me it doesn't seem like that long ago!  We are now settling into life here at Fort Campbell and we are loving it!  The town of Clarksville is a great place to live and we have found it very friendly.  When we first arrived and after we had rented in Florida we figured that it would be best that we rent again in Tennessee, but when we began looking at places to rent we figured out that we weren't going to be getting the most bang for our buck with renting.  That let us to the decision of buying our first home with a VA Loan.  Buying and renting both have a lot of pros and cons but with writing them all out buying seemed to be the best option for us, for our family.  We than began working with Jen a realtor who we LOVE and who is another EOD wife ;)  Long story short Michael's dad Randall actually worked with Jen's husband Jay years ago in Georgia!  Talk about a small world!  We looked at a few homes and made an offer fast forward three weeks and here I am sitting in our bed in our bedroom in our house that we are closing on tomorrow!!  Praise the Lord he is so good!  Let's just say though moving is no easy task!  It sucks!  Luckily we were able to get most everything unpacked since we moved in on Friday and we had the weekend to do it all.  I believe there are only five boxes left to go through and we had around 80...yeah I know craziness!!  I wouldn't call it crazy until you saw our garage though haha!

Please stay tuned and I will post pictures as we start to decorate :)

with love and signing our lives away,  

Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Past, Present & Our Future;

Recently life has been happening, ya know the thing that happens when your busy making other plans?  Yeah, that thing! Here's a little bit of whats been going on!

In August I opened an Etsy store where I decided to sell onesies, cloth diapers,blankets, hair bows, tutus, and anything else you could possibly think!  I recently put it on vacation because of us moving (more on that later), but other than that it's been great!  I love making things for people and that is one of the main reasons I opened in the first place. I can't wait to open again once we move and I actually have the space to do stuff rather then our dining room table! Make sure you check out Hip Hooray's Boutique on Etsy, Facebook, and Instagram!

Yesterday was a big day for our little family and especially my husband.  After almost 10 months of EOD school, Michael graduated!  I seriously am so proud of him and I keep saying that but honestly it couldn't be any truer!  I got to pin his EOD badge on in front of his classmates and it was such an honor.  I was the only wife pinning out of 25 graduating students and nervous didn't even describe how I felt.  In a few weeks he will begin his journey with the 788th in Fort Campbell, Kentucky!  Again, I'm so proud of you honey! I love you!

At almost seven months, Elli Mae weighs 17 pounds and is 25 1/2 inches long.  She is sitting unassisted, rolling from back to front as well as front to back, and recently she just started Army crawling!  She is everywhere!  She has an amazing personality for someone so little, is always laughing and smiling and of course just like me she sticks out her tongue out when she's concentrating on something.  She is pretty stinking adorable and believe me she knows it! She loves dancing when I sing the itsy bitsy spider and is a ham when we facetime our families.  I can't wait to hear her say mama or dada!  We both love you Elli Mae!

Baby Roo Roo as we like to call her, is amazing.  Such a sweet little hotdog always loving, protective and cuddly.  She isn't rough with Elli, and even knows a few tricks!  When we go on walks in the afternoon and she gets tired and so I will say basket and sure enough she will hop in the basket under the stroller and ride until her heart is content.  She loves cheese, her toys and burying herself under the covers.  She is more than we could have ever dreamed of and we have been so blessed to have her in our lives.  

As for our whole family we are PCSing to Fort Campbell, Kentucky!  Which is right on the border of KY and TN.  The movers will be coming on Halloween and then we will be leaving Florida shortly after.  Michael will have HRAP which is hometown recruiting in Asheville and then we will be heading to our new home at the end of November.
We have met some amazing friends here and even though we have been planning our move for months, saying see you later isn't exactly going to be easy.  I know that tears will be shed and that hugs will be given, but thankfully we have phones to keep in touch and definitely will.

Until next time,

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Ellisyn Mae- Update

Having a baby is VERY time consuming and I just realized that I have forgotten to blog!  Elli Mae turned 3 months old on the 3rd and she has changed so much since just last week!  Michael and I have been working very hard to get her on a schedule and it seems to be working quite well!  She is so expressive and smiles all the time.  She loves her sister Lulu and has started to pet her or at least tries to by grabbing her fur when she comes around.  She loves tummy time and sitting her bumbo.  She always falls asleep when we are in the car just like her dad ;)
At her two month appointment she weighed 10lbs and 6oz and was almost 23 inches long!  That's a gain of 4 lbs and almost 4 inches in two months!  Crazy what mommy milk can do!!  I cannot believe she's so big already and in no time she will be sitting up, crawling, and walking!  I am not ready!
In June Elli and I flew to NC to see family and her Aunt Mackenzie graduate from high school!  It was great being able to spend time with them after not seeing my dad and sister since Feb, and my aunts even came from NY and DE to spend time with us!  I hadn't seen my Aunt Kimmy in five years and my Aunt Loddie in three!  I can't wait to see them again and for them to meet Michael!
One of the things we have decided to do is cloth diapering!  We started about 3 weeks ago and Elli seems to love much better than the disposables and we love saving money as well ;)  We especially love Charlie Banana diapers!  They have a one size adjustment system and she will be able to wear them until she is potty trained!  Then we can use them for our next child in a few years!  I also LOVE how cute they are on her booty and the patterns and colors!  It's safe to say I'm addicted now ;)
I can't wait to see how much she weighs at her 4 month appointment!  Until next time, here's a few pictures from the past three months!
Hope you enjoy!



with love and baby smiles,

Saturday, May 11, 2013

A Letter of Love,

To My Sweet Ellisyn Mae,

283 days ago, I first found out about your existence.  
243 days ago, I saw your heart flicker and your arms and legs move on the ultrasound machine.  
200 days ago we found out you were a baby girl 
38 days ago you took your first breath and were laid on my chest.
Since that very first day, I prayed and thanked him for you and every day since I have done the same.
 I am more than blessed to be your mom
Tomorrow I will celebrate my very first Mothers Day and from this year on I will always get to because of you.  
You have changed my life since I first found out about you.
On that Wednesday as soon as I saw that blue plus sign pop up, I loved you.
When I saw your heart flicker and you dance on the screen, I loved you.  
From when I heard your heartbeat, when I felt that first kick,
when your dad and I decided on your name,
and from the night you were born I have never stopped loving you and I never will.

Everyone has told me a mothers love is unlike any other, and they are absolutely right.
  Every time I look at you I am reminded just how much I love you and just how truly blessed I am that you are my daughter. There will never be a moment in your life where I won't try my best to give you the world and although you deserve more than I could ever give you that doesn't mean I sure as hell won't try.
You have changed my life.  
Every time you flash me that gummy grin, when you lay your head on my chest, when you reach up and touch my face, when I rock you to sleep, when you nurse and when I think that I couldn't possibly love you anymore you prove me wrong. 
God gave me you because he knew that I needed you and I always will. 
No matter what, I will always protect you and keep you as safe as I possibly can.
Nothing will ever change the fact that you are my daughter and I am your mom.

Never forget that you are beautiful and that you have always been wanted and always will be.

I love you Ellisyn Mae Sons.

Thank you for changing my life and making me a Mom.  It will forever be the hardest thing I have done with the best reward: You.

All my love, 
Your Mom.