Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Letters of Love,

Before August getting mail was nothing exciting because it always meant a bill or some junk, but now that my wonderful husband has been in basic training for 42 days these letters are the only way of communication that we have.  I have talked to him once on the phone for 15 minutes and that was a week ago.  I hate not being able to call him or text him to come over, I hate not being able to see his handsome face walk through my door or going to the mall and seeing him while he's at work, and I hate not having him here when I need someone to talk to or a hug.  I hate it now especially because he hasn't been able to go through these exciting parts of my pregnancy.  I went to my first prenatal appointment alone, I got to hear the heartbeat alone.  The next appointment I have I will get to hear the heartbeat again, and this time I would like to not be alone.  I turn 21 in 11 days and Michael won't be here to go to dinner or a movie with us and I won't be able to get a phone call from him until the 20th or 21st. Then finally after 70 days I will be able to see him on the 24th.  I wrote to him this morning and told him that I wished it was the 24th at 8:59am so in the next minute I could see him marching down the road and then when he was dismissed I could run to him and give him the biggest hug ever.  I had a dream last night that he was here and then I woke up.  I was disappointed.  But why should I be? He hasn't been here in 42 days and I won't get to see him for another 29.  I will drive him to AIT and spend a few days with him there and we will also get a few days at Thanksgiving as well as two weeks at Christmas.  I cannot wait for those!  At Thanksgiving I will be 20 weeks along and we will get to find out BOY or GIRL! I am so excited and I am hoping that Michael will be here if not then around Christmas my Dr. said that we would do a ultrasound so he can see him or her for the first time :) I am more than ready for these next three months to be here!!

I hate the feeling that I am being over dramatic because he is only in basic training,  I have two close friends whose husbands are deployed and I know that we are all hurting in some way.  Everyone has their own way of expressing their pain and I guess in some way blogging about it is mine. 

with more letters and 29 days to go,

Monday, September 24, 2012

11 Weeks, 29 To Go!

How far along? 11 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 5lbs Lost
Maternity clothes? I have a few, but only wear one pair of jeans when I want to ;)
Stretch marks? Not yet
Sleep:  Ok
Best moment this week: Getting to hear the heartbeat!
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss Anything? Sushi and my husband :(
Movement: No
Food cravings: Lemonade & cheesecake!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Fruit...
Have you started to show yet: Just a little bit!
Gender prediction: Girl
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy sometimes emotional but I heard thats normal ;)
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender & getting to see my husband in 30 days!


Hello All! :)

Boy, do I have a lot of updates for you! Number one may be the change of the blog title...I am no longer a Miss, Michael and I got married on the 6th of August a week before he left for basic training, so now I am a Mrs :)  I honestly couldn't be happier to be his wife,his best friend and one of his biggest supporters :) Last time I wrote was right after he left and we had 66 more days to go, and as of today we have 30! Yay!! I love him so much and I know marrying him when I did was the right timing for us.  As for other news we are currently 11 weeks <b>pregnant</b>! Suprise! :) It was a HUGE shock but we have realized that God has blessed us in the biggest possible way and for that we couldn't be happier. 
Yes we are young, we know this please <b>please</b> stop acting like we don't.
It's going to be so hard on you...I know this too. 
He could miss important milestones...The Miltary is a lifestyle, I knew this marrying him.
I realize that this could sound ugly and don't get me wrong I'm definitely not trying to be that way, but seriously do you think we need the negative comments? Would you want them if you were in our postion?
Please check back for more updates :)