Monday, September 24, 2012


Hello All! :)

Boy, do I have a lot of updates for you! Number one may be the change of the blog title...I am no longer a Miss, Michael and I got married on the 6th of August a week before he left for basic training, so now I am a Mrs :)  I honestly couldn't be happier to be his wife,his best friend and one of his biggest supporters :) Last time I wrote was right after he left and we had 66 more days to go, and as of today we have 30! Yay!! I love him so much and I know marrying him when I did was the right timing for us.  As for other news we are currently 11 weeks <b>pregnant</b>! Suprise! :) It was a HUGE shock but we have realized that God has blessed us in the biggest possible way and for that we couldn't be happier. 
Yes we are young, we know this please <b>please</b> stop acting like we don't.
It's going to be so hard on you...I know this too. 
He could miss important milestones...The Miltary is a lifestyle, I knew this marrying him.
I realize that this could sound ugly and don't get me wrong I'm definitely not trying to be that way, but seriously do you think we need the negative comments? Would you want them if you were in our postion?
Please check back for more updates :)

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