Thursday, March 21, 2013

Meet LuLu Belle!;

At 4lbs and 8 weeks old, Miss. LuLu Belle has already stolen our hearts!
She loves playing, sleeping, being held like a baby, cuddling, and most of all her daddy :)

Stay tuned for more pictures of new sweet addition and her sister once she arrives ;)

with love and puppy breath,


  1. Thank you Janelle! Nice to meet you! :)

  2. Hey girl. I hope you get your natural birth! Try not to let the statistics scare you. Usually, the CS happens because your body wasn't really ready to be induced. However, if you are already dilating and effacing, then there shouldn't be a problem. With Ella, my water broke at 38 weeks, and they had to augment with Pitocin because I wasn't having contractions. I had to be medically induced with James at 37 weeks, and it was a 2 day ordeal. We were an hour away from a CS when I finally dilated from 4-10 cm. I was lucky to have a doctor who was willing to do everything necessary to avoid a CS. I'm praying for a natural, normal birth this time around. :) Good luck! Can't wait to see pictures of Baby E!!!

  3. Thank you Ashley! I sure hope so! :) I'm excited to see who she looks like!
