Friday, November 2, 2012

weeks 15&16!

Hello All! :)
I have been very busy for the past couple of weeks and have not caught up with my weekly chalkboard because of being so caught up in seeing my amazing husband ;) I don't think you guys mind right? Let's hope not lol! The past two weeks have went by so quickly and I have been so blessed in so many ways!  I was unable to take Michael to Ft.Lee Friday the 26th like we had planned because of something completely ridiculous but in the long run God was watching out for us and I will get to see him on Thursday! He could then get a four day pass in which we would get to spend together in VA :)  I am hoping that he will get a pass but we won't know until we arrive in VA.  I am just so excited to see him again!  I will be driving to Ft. Lee to see him for Thanksgiving and then he will be home for two weeks at Christmas! This girl is VERY happy that I get a two whole weeks with my husband who is my favorite person and it's my favorite time of the year, what about that? ;D
These pictures are from family day and graduation :)
Graduation Day & Our First Family Photo!
My husband and soldier looking handsome in his blues ;)
Baby Bump:15w3d
Family Day!

First Kiss After 10 weeks!

In other news we have found out that baby sons is a GIRL!!! We are so excited to buy pink and Michael is already wrapped around her little finger :)  We have picked a name but have decided to tell only close friends and family.  Right now you can call her baby E! :) 
Our Sweet Angel!
She has her hands up near her face like her daddy sleeps ;)
Hello little lady!
Hopefully I can get back on track with the chalkboard!  I guess we will see ;)
Love you All!
Kelsey & Baby E ;D

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