Monday, December 3, 2012

20 Weeks; 20 to go!

I know I am a few weeks behind but better late than never right?.... :) I spent the start of week 18 with Michael in VA and most of week 19 in Wilkesboro with Michael's family for Thanksgiving! Today I am actually 21 weeks pregnant but I will do that picture and post later today! :) As for's week 20!

How far along? 20 Weeks 5days
Total weight gain/loss: gained 7lbs since my first appt!
Maternity clothes? yes....jeans mostly!
Stretch marks? I am applying the cocoa butter religiously!
Sleep:  Alright! We're getting there!
Best moment this week: Seeing her at the anatomy scan :) She's so cute!!
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss Anything? My husband not being here to experience this with me :(
Movement: Yes! Morning, noon & night!
Food cravings: Strawberry jelly and milk!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Shrimp
Have you started to show yet: Yes and other people are noticing...not sure if I like it or not...
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Spending two weeks with my sweet husband! ;)
On Wednesday the 28th, I had my anatomy scan and everything looked great! She was a little stubborn to show us her face and once the tech got the picture, she turned right back around! Haha....sound like her daddy much? ;) I don't really have any room to talk lol!
Here are some pictures from our scan!
Her sweet face!
Her feet were side by side! So cute ;)
And showing us she is definitely a GIRL! :)
until next update,

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