Tuesday, January 8, 2013

26 weeks; 14 to go!

I cannot believe that in two weeks I will be seven months pregnant and entering the third trimester!  There is so much left to do and even though we have 14 weeks left, I still feel like it might never
get done in time!  I am looking forward to the baby/home showers that my mom, sister, MIL, Michael's nana, and his aunt are having for us.  One will be in Asheville and the other in Wilkesboro.  They will be here before I know it and with that will be the realization that we are moving to Florida in less than a month. Hopefully If everything goes as planned we should be there and getting settled in before Valentine's day!  This will be our first one together since we actually started talking on the day after and dating on the 19th!  That means our one year dating anniversary is coming up too!  February is looking to be a good month!  I am so excited!! :) 


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