Tuesday, January 22, 2013

28 weeks;12 to go!

It feels just like yesterday that there were two pink lines staring at me, now Michael and are am three months away from meeting our sweet little E!  People can definitely tell that I am expecting now and even though it's nice, it's annoying!  I'm sure all women who have been pregnant before or are experiencing it now can agree that when a random stranger touches your stomach it is well a little awkward!  We had our first baby/home goods shower this past weekend and it went great!  My mom, sisters, and MIL did a great job setting up and getting everything together.  We had a lot of people show up and shower us with tons of gifts!  We are so very blessed!  We have one more this weekend in Wilkesboro and I can't wait!  
The countdown to Florida is on!
3 weeks to go! :)

Until next week!


How far along? 28 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: A total of 16 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes!
Stretch marks? No
Best moment this week: Feeling her move all the time!  She is such a wiggle worm!
Have you told family and friends: Yes
Miss Anything? Warm weather and sleeping good
Movement: ALL THE TIME!
Food cravings: Pickles and these wafer things
Anything making you queasy or sick: Seafood :/
Have you started to show yet: There is definitely a bump there!
Gender: GIRL! -Sweet Baby E <3
Labor Signs:  Some braxton hicks here and there but nothing major
Belly Button in or out? Still in but its starting to get flatter
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Baby shower and warm weather!


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