Thursday, January 17, 2013

week 27 rain delay & maternity pictures! :)

As usual I am sorry for the delay in posting, but it seriously has not stopped raining ALL week!  Monday was a beautiful day and then I wake up Tuesday and its pouring the rain. I woke up Wednesday and again rain!  Last night they were talking about a snow storm starting today around 3pm....the weather channel is ALWAYS wrong about the snow so I'm not holding my breath!  But when I woke up this morning guess what?!  IT WAS RAINING AGAIN!  Good grief!  I am very thankful for the rain because we need it, but three days in a row! AHHH!   So of course I haven't taken my picture with the chalkboard.  I always take a picture of my belly when it's the start of a new week which for me is Monday, but its just my belly and not my face or anything else.  I hate looking like a slob when I go to take the picture so I am very picky about what I wear when it gets taken and the board can take me as long as an hour to do....yeah I know... But Monday I will be 28 weeks and at the start of the third trimester so I will definitely take one then! :)

Michael and I had our maternity pictures taken by EmilieCarol when he was here during Christmas!  She also did our wonderful engagement pictures that you can see at the top of the page! :)
There were SO many great ones and I have already printed a few to display at the shower this weekend!  
Here are a few for your viewing pleasure! :)


See you Monday! :)

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