My name is Kelsey Reagan and I am 6 months shy of turning 21 ;) I graduated high school in June of 2009 and started the community college here in Asheville. I went for a year and had some family issues so I stopped. I am working on going back so no worries on that! It is a work in progress ;) Most people call me Kels, it's not my favorite but I have gotten used to it. I am currently living in Candler which is right outside of Asheville, North Carolina. I live with my parents, my younger brother and sister. My siblings and I are very close in age except for my older sister Courtney. She is four years older than I, my brother is 14 months younger and my sister is a little over 2 years younger than I am. Last year my sister had a little girl who she named Irelann who is the light of our family! My parents have been married for almost 27 years and have been in love ever since. We have had our ups and downs but we are closer than ever these days. Kenan and Amos are my four legged brothers and they are seriously the sweetest dogs in the world! I am currently employed as a photographer at The Picture People. I have worked there for almost three years and I am constantly reminded everyday why I love it! I am the happiest I have ever been these past few weeks and one of those reasons is because of someone who just recently came into my life :) God has great timing! Well let's just say perfect?!
His name is Michael Xavier Sons and I have never thought I would feel the way I do about anyone, the way I do about him :) He was put in my path for a reason and that reason is because he is my soul mate. Sometimes in your life there are just things that you know, and this was for sure one of them. He has a kind heart, a smile that makes me melt, and he has such a good head on his shoulders. He is exactly the person I see myself spending the rest of my life with and that is exactly what we are doing! :) One of the reasons I have made this blog was to keep track of our countdown and to write down our future plans :) I never thought I would be talking or heck, even thinking about planning a wedding but I am, and it's happening!! He is set to sign his life away with the Army on August 13th of this year, the next time I will see him after that will be when he graduates from basic training in October of 2012 and then he will start AIT on the 10/29. He gets two weeks at Christmas and then the next time I see him after that we will be saying I DO! ;) We have just a little over 480 days to go! Tomorrow it will be 16 months until our big day!
I can't wait! Michael if you happen to read this, please know that I love you. Please know that I promise you forever, and I will go wherever the good Lord takes us :)
My handsome boy :)

As for now this is all I got ;)
-big plans ahead ;)
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