When I first met Michael I already knew he was leaving in August for basic training, I had read it on his FaceBook page before our first date. I guess I was just waiting on him to bring it up before I did, and since then it has been on my mind non-stop. I believe God knows that I am strong enough to be an Army wife and that is why he put Michael in my path. But I am scared, I'm terrified, nervous, happy, and excited all at the same time. In 70 days Michael will leave for S.C to start his basic training for the Army, he will train for 9 weeks and 4 days and then Graduate! (I cannot wait to see him then! :)) After spending a week with his family and friends, he will leave for AIT which will last 9 months, 3 weeks and 4 days. Our wedding has been planned for July 2013 and then we are moving to wherever the Army sends us! But what happens if he gets deployed as soon as we get married? What if i'm left alone for a year? These are the kind of questions that I won't know the answer to until the beginning of July...next year! Every big detail of our wedding has already been taking care of because I want him here for all of it. We have picked our date, our venue, DJ, photographer, and food that we want. We have also worked on projects together so we have something else that he has been a part of.
I am ready to start this journey together, I know that God has our lives in his hands and will only give us what we can handle. I pray that we will be able to have the wedding of our dreams and that we will be able to be stationed somewhere together and not apart.
with faith and a sprinkle of fear,
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